Do I have to be 100% sober to join? 
Definitely not - your business is your business. We understand that people abstain from drinking for a multitude of personal reasons and sometimes just for short periods of times. We just ask that you respect the ground rules of the group and don’t bring alcohol to or drink at our events out of respect for others. 

Will we be around other people who are drinking? 
Sometimes? We plan to do events throughout Charlotte at bars, restaurants, etc. where alcohol could be served. We also hope to have events in more relaxed, less drinking-central venues. Always check out our event details to decide your comfort level with joining the environment, and feel free to message us if you ever need more information to make your experience as comfortable as possible!

How can I stay updated on events? 
Follow us on insta @unboozyclt, check out our website, and sign up for our newsletter! (link in bio)

I don’t usually socialize without drinking. I’m nervous!
Like anything, it just takes a tiny bit of practice to develop a new skill. And that's what it is - a skill! In a world where alcohol is central to so much, sober socializing can take some adjustment. But we hope you'll embrace the fact that we want to get to know you *exactly* as you are - nerves, vulnerability, and all. Reach out to us if you'd like to talk further but just remember that this is a stress-free zone to come out and enjoy each other's company.  

Frequently asked questions

Questions? event ideas? contact us